The Multiverse is what comprises all of existence within The Mctoran-verse. It is comprised of an infinite number of Universes, each unique and different from one another. Nothing has ever existed before The Multiverse, and nothing will ever come after. And there is nothing like it at all.
It is the limit of cosmology, for nothing exceeds The Multiverse
Before The Multiverse, there was only The Architect, who inhabited an empty void devoid of any life or existence.
Then, from The Architect The Multiverse would eventually be born. An explosion of universes, dimensions, and realities. Five fractions of The Architect's essence were scattered throughout The Multiverse, and eventually each took on a unique identity and transformed into powerful energies: Primordial Energy, Xalnergy, Ignotium Energy, "Absolute Nothingness" and The Crimson. Simultaneously, five Races and beings were self-created from these energies: The Council of Life, The Xir'algath, The id, The Collect, and The Infinites.
These five races were each given a different purpose. The Council of Life's job was to create, observe and maintain lifeforms, planets, and universes within The Multiverse. The Xir'algath's job was to destroy or imprison certain beings or races if they were deemed too destructive or unstable to be kept alive. The id's purpose was to represent and uphold certain aspects of civilization, philosophy, and nature. The Collect's purpose was to develop and maintain an overall moral code for The Multiverse and its inhabitants. And the Infinites were tasked with the purpose of learning and compiling all scholarly and academic knowledge in The Multiverse.
Many Aeons later, The Multiverse had been heavily damaged by The Xir'algath's invasion, which destroyed the barriers between universes. However, this damage was eventually reversed and The Multiverse's barriers were restored to least somewhat. Later at the end of Cataclysm, The Architect once again became self-aware, his essence having been fully reconcentrated by this point. But seeing all the strife and violence occurring throughout The Multiverse, The Architect decided that he wanted to destoy it, intending to start over and create an entirely new, more perfect Multiverse. But this was stopped by the combined efforts of The Multiverse's greatest warriors, who essentially lobotomized The Architect and placed him in a permanent coma by destroying his heart, The Cosmic Egg.
This act repaired all prior damaged caused by the Xir'algath's war, and caused all the Multiversal energies to recombine themselves into the one whole energy they had once been before: The Source.
Geographical Locations[]
In the space outside of the universes in The Multiverse, there are physical structures and locations. Among them are:
The Primordia Lucis[]
The Primordia Lucis lies at the very center of the top of The Multiverse. It is the origin point of all life and light. It burns as bright as a star, and even almost looks like one, but it is in fact a large, sphere-shaped crystalline structure. Primordial Energy originates from the Primordia Lucis, being produced from Within the crystal and its fragments. Shards of the crystal are known as Lux Crystalli (also simply called "Primordial Crystals), and have been used in weapons and technology by The Council of Life and others.
After the events of Cataclysm, this no longer exists.
The Chao Umbra[]
The Chao Umbra lies at the very bottom of The Multiverse, covering the entire surface of the bottom. The Chao Umbra is an endless, dark roiling pit of chaos, madness and destruction. It is the origin point of all darkness and death in The Multiverse. Xalnergy originates from the Chao Umbra and can be crystallized to form Xalnite.
After the events of Cataclysm, this no longer exists.
The Incelebratus Thread[]
The Incelebratus Thread is a weblike formation of thin, ethereal cords which link and anchor all universes in the Multiverse together. Ignotium Energy originates from The Incelebratus Thread. If correctly harnessed with the right technology, Ignotium Energy could enable beings to cross dimensions along the paths of The Incelebratus Thread's cords.
After the events of Cataclysm, this no longer exists.
The Anchor[]
Below the surface of the of the Chao Umbra, lying at the bottom on the floor of its metaphorical ocean, there is a singular universe, or at least what now remains of it.
The universe in which The Anchor resides was the first-ever universe to have ever existed. But it also meant that it was the first to decay. Eventually, the universe became ravaged and corrupted with Absolute Nothingness due to the experiments of The Collect. And then it broke off from the rest of The Multiverse, resting at the bottom of The Chao Umbra below its surface.
The Anchor is what allows the true Collect to keep their shadow tethered here. The anchor is surrounded by a radius of Absolute Nothingness known as "the apathy" which slowly erodes motivation from anything exposed to it, to the point where machines will stop working and atomic bonds will no longer care about staying together. The Anchor also serves to hold the entire Multiverse in place as well, with the universe in which it's contained generating the gravitational field in which all the universes are held.
After the events of Cataclysm, this no longer exists.
The Library of The Infinites[]
The Library of The Infinites, also referred to by some mortals as "The Akashic Records", is a large sprawling complex which contains all known records and academic/scholarly knowledge in the entire Multiverse. The library is curated by The Infinites, who record their data and research in books that are placed among the many shelves. The Infinites in fact live in this library, which doubles as their native realm and primary base of operations. All Multiversal beings who seek knowledge come to this library, but it can also be accessed by highly spiritually evolved mortals as well.
Ironbolt Penitentiary[]
Suspended within a dimension of water somewhere in The Multiverse, Ironbolt Transdimensional Penitentiary is quite the enigma, with very few even knowing of its existence; those few mainly being The Five. It is a maximum-security prison that was created by The Collect, and is operated by the robotic-like "Chassis" units. Ironbolt houses many vile and violent criminals, and is rivalled only by Whitegate Fortress in its containment.
Whitegate Fortress[]
Whitegate Fortress is the tightest, highest Maximum Security prison in The Multiverse. It is a large space station/citadel floating in Multiversal space. Whitegate was originally constructed after the first war between The Council of Life and The Xir'algath, to house Donatello, The First Dark Lord. He is Whitegate's very first prisoner, but was soon joined by many others. From small-time intergalactic crime lords to highly dangerous cosmic beings, Whitegate is never without an eventful day.
There are certain locations within the Multiverse that exist on a different planes of existence, tuned to an alternate dimensional frequency. These places are invisible to the third-dimensional naked eye on this plane. Here are the important realms:
The Realm of Life[]
This is the home realm in which The Council of Life reside and primarily operate. It is located on the highest plane of existence and is similar in many ways to Asgard in the MCU. The most highly advanced weapons, technologies, sciences, and magic can be found here. It is the most secure realm in The Multiverse, only given access and view to mortals that the Council deems worthy.
The Astral Plane[]
The Astral Plane is a metaphysical plane pf existence from which all Magic in The Multiverse originates. It is also said to be the afterlife of members of The Council of Wizards, who's souls reside here after their death and before their new life. Other metaphysical beings are known to reside here as well, many seeming straight out of a fantasy story like fairies, elemental spirits, and even some dragons. The major landmark of this plane is the astral city of Magia, a focal where all the spiritual entities converge. Thestus, The God of Magic is the ruler of this plane, although he is never usually made known to its inhabitants. According to various occult teachings, the astral plane can be visited consciously by physical, living mortals through means such as astral projection, meditation/mantra, near-death experience, lucid dreaming, or other means. Individuals that are trained in the use of the astral vehicle can separate their consciousness in the astral vehicle from the physical body at will.
id Pocket Dimensions[]
The id are known to create small pocket dimensions that normally mirror the universe they are currently in, however, most id can rule the very fabric of their pocket dimensions and create the foundational rules for them. The number of these pocket dimensions are limited to each of the 1400 id in the entire multiverse.
The Realm of the Offspring[]
Also known as "Universe Null". It is a pocket dimension created by the id known as Irritus. This is an exception to most id dimensions as it is unique to any universe and primarily exists to serve as the home-world of the Krito Fer, otherwise called the "Offspring."
The Crimson Realm[]
The Crimson Realm is an entire plane of existence, infinitely spanning in all directions. The realm is composed of and filled with only Crimson Energy, and it is the source of said energy.
After the events of Cataclysm, this no longer exists.
This is a pocket dimension, from which all shadows and darkness in The Multiverse originate. The original Shadow King was imprisoned in this realm by The Council of Life. Shadow-Walkers which posses enough skill in their powers are capable of summoning and storing objects from this realm.
Antispace is a pocket dimension existing outside the prime universe that was initially discovered and inhabited by The Salesman. Several organizations have conducted research on this realm in an attempt to breach it and harness its power, allowing for "infinite space for human expansion", as well as a potential means of beating the speed of light.
Xalnergy Pocket Dimensions[]
Certain beings empowered with Xalnergy have the power to create pocket dimensions to inhabit, in which they control and can reinvent the laws of physics on a whim, essentially becoming gods. Many of these pocket realms existed throughout The Multiverse before the events of Cataclysm, after which they no longer exist.
The Realm of Death[]
This realm is the exact opposite of The Realm of Life. This is the realm in which The Xir'algath reside and primarily operate. It resides on the lowest plane of existence. It is a savage, chaotic place, full of misery and hatred. Mortals who are given access to this realm are usually brought here against their own will.
This is a sub-realm within the Realm of Death. When The Council of Life banished The Five Heavenly Kings and their army of Demons from The Realm of Life, they were cast down into the Realm of Death. The spot in which they landed was transformed into a prison around them. This place effectively acts as a prison for The Five Heavenly Kings. It is structured as a 20,000-meter-deep, 1,000-meter-wide hole, built in many layers, similar to Dante Alegeri's depiction of Hell. At the bottom of the hole is a frozen pool of ice. Here, this is where the souls of sinners are sent after their death to endure eternal damnation and torment at the hands of the demons which dwell here.
There are an infinite amount of Universes on The Multiverse. However, the universe does not all always stay around forever. The entire Multiverse is a closed system, in which universe are repeatedly destroyed and recreated. The shape of the multiverse itself is that of an upside-down cone, with universes becoming more compressed together as they are drawn to the bottom by gravity. The natural life cycle of a universe usually unfolds like this:
A universe is "born" or "created", and begins its life at the top, closest to the Primordia Lucis. As a universe ages, it begins to descend downward, being pulled to towards the Chao Umbra by its gravitational field. The closer a universe is to the Chao Umbra, the more corrupted it becomes by the Xalnergy, with its inhabitants becoming more evil and savage. Consequently, these lower-tier universes happen to be the native realities of "The Dark Heroes".
The universes start to become more compressed together, creating the Multiverse's cone shape. Right before the end of a universe's life, it has plummeted below the Chao Umbra and begins to fringe on the edge of The Anchor universe. Absolute Nothingness will then begin to leak into the universe, consuming the matter within and breaking it down. This stage is known as "The Decay of The Universe". Typically, this is the point of no return for a universe, though there are rare cases such as when Runa, Bringer of Death was able to reverse the decay and restore his universe.
By the end, the universe is completely consumed by The Anchor and disintegrates. New universes are created at the edge of The Anchor, as the leftover particles of the "old" universe are brought together to form a "core" and is elevated to the top of The Multiverse, thus creating a new universe, and starting the cycle all over again.
With an infinite Multiverse, there are an equally infinite amount of possibilities. Here are but a few of them:
Prime Earth[]
Also known by the serial code "U-MMLIX-b". Seemingly a random universe, this is in fact the universe to hold the greatest interest in The Multiverse. Many cosmic events have originated from, occurred in or are attracted to this dimension the most. Among the greatest and most important warriors in The Multiverse are native to this universe. It is where almost all of Mctoran's RPs have occurred.
In this universe, everything is the same as on Prime Earth, except the males are instead females and vice versa.
Big in Japan[]
In this universe, some characters and events similar to those in "2059: The Superhero Revolution" exist, except their adventures take place in Tokyo, Japan instead of New Evo City.
This Universe does not have any nickname. It is only known by its serial code. This Universe serves as a hub for many of the Multiverse's most intellectual and philosophical minds. Many ID and Infinites, among other types of beings reside here, exchanging their knowledge, stories and views from across The Multiverse.
Comradery Fallen[]
This is a Universe in which its origins are slightly different from others. Four beings of power- Space, Time, Life and Death, each chose to devote a portion of their power to create the universe. When the universe's creation was finished, the four beings transformed themselves into stars lying at the center of the universe, becoming "The Eternal Stars". Each Eternal star had created a species to represent them. The race created by Death was called The Kaiko. A notable member of this race is Runa, Bringer of Death.
Axiom Universe[]
This is the native universe from which the beings Axiom and Antyr had originated. The earth of this universe is now practically defunct, as all the superpowered beings of that world are either dead or severely crippled.
The New World[]
This is a universe where Alister Spencer and The Plague Doctor Cult were successful in their plan to "cleanse" the world in 2019. The plague doctors' "perfect" image of the world of the worthy is a post-apocalyptic, zombie-infested wasteland. Alistair started his own utilitarian dictatorship, and in this universe Oliver is an evil Executioner.
Corrivalial Universe[]
In this universe, The Exiebicuus created a race similar to The Celestials that exist in the Prime Universe. However, these beings were instead named "The Corrivalial", and were created with Xalnergy instead of Primordial Energy. This race was intended to serve as war machines, wiping out opposing enemies for the Exiebicuus. However, the Xalnergy in their bodies mutated their programming, and the Corrivalial gained self-awareness and individuality. They quickly exterminated the Exiebicuus, and then every other species on their universe. When no other races were left in the universe, The Corrivalial turned to fighting amongst themselves.
Shade Universe[]
In this universe, Sadie Volara permanently killed The Gamemaster on her first attempt. This caused a butterfly effect, in which the events of Majestic League had never occurred because the Gamemaster wasn't alive to have set those events in motion. Because of this, Sadie's habits were left unchecked, and she further devolved into a more insane and evil version of herself, eventually even reaching the point of partially merging with the shadows.
Survivors Universe[]
In this universe, most details were the same as in the Prime Universe. However, when the Xir'algath invaded during their Multiversal conquest, the soldiers of Steel Branch managed to drive their forces back by unleashing numerous viral weapons which converted the populace into gibbering rabid zombies as well as powerful radioactive weaponry. In the aftermath, they were left the last sentient life of their biosphere.
Forever Masked Universe[]
In this universe, the events of 2059: The invasion played out very similarly to the m Prime universe. But The Xir'algath were beaten by Caesar Brando this time, with the borrowed abilities of a stand user named Carlie. He went mad with power however, dropping his normal persona to exist only as Diero, and started a campaign to take over the world. His actions brought him into conflict with nearly every hero and villain of his universe, and he defeated them all. Those who survived were forced into service or killed like the rest. For some inexplicable reason, Diero still sees his actions as heroic.
Gamemark Universe[]
In this Universe, events unfolded in mostly the same way as in the Prime Universe, up until the moment in Death Race when Mark Mcneil kills The Gamemaster. In an alternate reality, The Gamemaster had implanted a Dead Man's Switch in Mark Mcneil's brain. Upon The Gamemaster's death, the switch was activated, and the implanted device released a swarm of nanobots and psychological chemicals into Mark's brain. His brain was rewired and his mind was altered, now gaining the same mentality, personality, habits and tendancies as The Gamemaster. Mark's sanity rapidly deteriorated, and he embarked on an ambitious, carnage-filled killing spree that lasted nonstop for a whole week. By the end, Mark had slaughtered every last being in his universe besides himself. He then donned the dead Gamemaster's damaged mask, his transformation now complete. He had becoming an entirely new entity: Gamemark. The Shadow King, taking interest to Gamemark's impressive feat, recruited him to be one of his top heralds.
The General Universe[]
This is a universe plagued by war, and through mysterious circumstances, a being native to that universe known as "The General" now commands a group of alternative versions of himself(Douglas Pawfoot). This group, called "The Pack", has sought to expand their ranks, and travelled to different universes of to try and find worthy candidates.
Clockwolf Universe[]
This is a Steampunk universe, and this universe's Doug goes by the alias of "Monty Clockwolf". Monty, a Frankenstein-esque being seemingly made from a combination of haphazardly thrown-in clock gears and organic tissues, is a member of The Pack.
Sparkles Universe[]
This is an alternate universe that exists in a state similar to that of Looney Toons-esque cartoon. Diana Pawfoot, also known as "Sparkles", is a native to this universe as well as a member of The Pack.
Traykar Universe[]
The exact conditions of this universe have never been specified, and does not seem to carry much significance in the context of the broader Multiverse. However, what is known, is that a being known as "Traykar" is native to this universe. Traykar is the Multiverse's oldest incarnation of Doug, and therefore "the original" in Traykar's own words. So, it stands to reason that this universe itself must be quite old.
In this universe, everyone is an anthropomorphic animal, except for Doug who is the only human being.
Cydonia Universe[]
This universe is one that is ravaged by eternal chaos and destruction, as the result of a single continuous war that has been fought since this universe's beginning. Cydonia is one of an entire line of cryogenic war machines who fight in this war.
Jeffrey Universe[]
The Earth of this universe is closely similar to the setting of Golden Sun. In this Universe, there exists a student of Weyard Acadamy named Jeffrey. He makes an appearance in The Last Resistance.
Red Mars Universe[]
This is the native universe of Red Mars. Other than that, there is not much to say about it.